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Women’s Seder
Sunday, April 6
5:00 PM
In Person ONLY
Goodman Hall
$36/person; click to register
Before the craziness of the holiday starts in earnest, take an evening to breathe, relax, connect, and celebrate with a light Passover meal and traditional four cups of wine at our annual women’s Seder.
Scholarships available; please reach out to inquire.
Community Seder- Volunteers Wanted!
Presented by Jewish Family and Child Service and WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood
Wednesday, April 9
Volunteer Shifts begin at 9:00 AM
In Person ONLY
Goodman Hall
For invited JFCS clients; email to volunteer
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood and Jewish Family and Child Service are looking for volunteers for this year’s Community Seder for JFCS clients (many of whom are Holocaust Survivors). The Seder will be Wednesday, April 9 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, but volunteer slots open as early as 9:00 SM. We have a particular need for drivers to help transport guests to and from CBI. Please click here to sign up, or reach out with any questions.
Young Adult Seder
Thursday, April 17
7:00 PM
In Person ONLY
Blumauer Auditorium
$18/person; Click to RSVP
Raise a glass (or four) at Portland’s Young Adult Seder. This musical, interactive Seder experience, led by Congregation Beth Israel’s Cantor Rayna Green, is a great way to connect with Jews in their 20s and 30s across the Portland area while enjoying a light Passover meal. You don’t need any prior experience or knowledge of Passover to attend, this will be accessible for all!
$18/person, age 21 and over. This is a child-free gathering.
This event is made possible by our amazing partners: Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Congregation Neveh Shalom, Moishe Pod West, and Portland Jewish Connection
Passover Shabbat Services and Conversation
Friday, April 18
6:00 PM
In Person and Online
Pollin Chapel
Join via Livestream
Festival and Yizkor Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday, April 19
10:30 AM
In Person and Online
Pollin Chapel
Pre Women’s Seder Art Event
Tapestry of Our History
We gathered for a pre-Seder art project, led by Lolly Jamerson, where we will reflected on the story of Passover and come up with ideas around which part(s) of the story most resonated with each of us. Then using oil pastels on 9″ x 12″ pieces of drawing paper, we explored these ideas while learning some techniques for blending the pastels and composing the drawing. The completed drawings will be attached together to create one beautiful piece that compliments our theme this year: “Tapestry of Our History”.
Annual Women’s Seder
Wednesday, April 3, 6:00 PM
In-Person ONLY
Goodman Hall
Registration full; email for waitlist
As we prepare for the upcoming Passover holiday, we welcome all members (and their guests) who identify as female for our exciting and creative Women’s Seder, which will take place at Congregation Beth Israel on Wednesday, April 3 from 6:00 PM until the four cups are gone!
Scholarships available; please email to inquire.
As part of CBI and the WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood’s ongoing advocacy for refugees in the Portland community and beyond, we ask that attendees bring diapers and wipes to donate to local organizations and partners in this work
Passover Fair
with author Eric Kimmel
Sunday, April 14
9:30 AM – 12:15 PM for Pre-K through 7th Grades
12:30 PM -2:30 PM for 8th through 12th Grades
In-Person ONLY
CBI Campus
Beloved children’s author Kimmel (who you may already know from his classic Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins) will be our special guest for our Passover Mishpacha Minyan and Fair during Religious School on Sunday, April 14. He will read from and sign copies of his new graphic novel, Matzah Man to the Rescue!
Who do you call on Passover Eve when the cat steals the shank bone and everyone forgets the charoset? Matzah Man, of course. He’ll save Passover… all YOU have to do is save the date!
Copies of Matzah Man are available in the Sisterhood Gift Shop.
Jewish Family and Child Service (JFCS) Seder
Presented by WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood
Tuesday, April 16, 12:00 PM
In-Person ONLY
Goodman Hall
Seder for invited clientele of JFCS; email to volunteer
Sephardic/Ashkenazic: What’s the Difference?
Thursday, April 18, 1:00 PM
In-Person ONLY
Goodman Kitchen
$5; register in advance
Save the date—and come hungry!—for our Adult Education Committee’s and CBI 65+’s tasty upcoming Passover event. Congregant Joanne Treuhaft and Renee Ferrera from Congregation Ahavah Achim, Portland’s Sephardic Synagogue will present a program on Sephardic Judaism. Explore Sephardic history, culture, and Passover foods as we learn and prepare recipes together. Bring a sharp knife, a cutting board, and an apron. $5 per person. Space is limited so reserve your spot today.
Musical Haggadah
Sunday, April 21, 9:30 AM
In-Person ONLY
Main Sanctuary
Join us for a Musical Haggadah: the telling of the Passover story through song, written and directed by our Artist-in-Residence, Kim Schneiderman. Students in fifth grade and our Oneg! Choir come together to lead us in a modern version of our Exodus story.
Erev Passover
CBI Office Closes at 3:00 PM
Monday, April 22
CBI Main Office Closed for Passover (First Day)
Tuesday, April 23
Shabbat Evening Services and Passover Experience
Friday, April 26, 6:00 PM
In-Person and Online (click for link)
Pollin Chapel and Goodman Hall
Following a brief Shabbat Evening Service, Rabbi Michael Cahana and Cantor Rayna Green lead a conversation about how the continuing conflict in Israel impacts our experience of the Passover Holiday. In addition to this exploration, the experience will feature music, wine, matzah, and Passover-friendly desserts.
Young Adult Seder
Saturday, April 27, 6:00 PM
In-Person ONLY
Goodman Hall
$18; click to register
Raise a glass (or four) at
Portland’s Young Adult Seder. This musical, interactive Seder experience, led by Congregation Beth Israel’s Cantor Rayna Green, is a great way to connect with Jews in their 20s and 30s across the Portland area while enjoying a light Passover meal. $18/person, age 21 and over. This is a child-free gathering (but we hope to have family friendly events in the future!).
With deep appreciation to our cosponsors: Jewish Federation of Portland,
Congregation Neveh Shalom, Portland Jewish Connection, Moishe House Pod, and
PDX Hillel
CBI Main Office Closed for Passover (Last Day)
Monday, April 29
Healing Yizkor Service
Monday, April 29, 10:30 AM
In-Person and Online
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