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Welcome to SHIR Joy! our yearlong music and cultural series celebrating Cantor Cahana as she prepares to retire next June.
Please plan to join in the joy!
SHIR Joy is made possible through the generosity of our sponsors, led by Presenting Sponsor Marcy Tonkin.
A Celebration of Cantor Ida Rae Cahana
Featuring Pink Martini’s Thomas Lauderdale and Friends
Saturday, April 19
7:30 PM Concert with Encore Dessert Reception
Congregation Beth Israel
$118, cocktail attire
Click for tickets
What better way to celebrate Cantor Ida Rae Cahana than with music? Portland luminaries Thomas Lauderdale, China Forbes, Storm Large, Sofi Von Trapp, and others come together under our dome for an unforgettable concert (and after party with sweet treats).
Tickets are limited, so click here or call our office at 503-222-1069 to reserve yours today!
May the Fourth Be With You
Sunday, May 4
CBI’s Kol Echad Choir joins the Trinity Cathedral Choir and organist Katie Webb for “May the Fourth be With You – Celestial Music of the Heavens.”
This is the musical event you’re looking for.
Costumes encouraged!
Farewell Shabbat
Friday, June 27
The CBI community says a more sweet than bitter l’hitraot as Cantor Ida Rae Cahana leads her final Shabbat as our Senior Cantor. Guest musicians will include Kol Echad, Trinity Cathedral octet, organists Bruce Neswick and Michael Barnes, CBI band, Llama Lo, and our Artist in Residence, Kim Schneiderman.
A festive oneg and reception will follow.
Presenting Sponsor
Marcy Tonkin
Platinum Sponsor
Harold and Arlene Schnitzer Family Fund
of OJCF and Jordan Schnitzer
Diamond Sponsors
Leslie and Stephen Robinson
Rose Rustin
Gold Sponsors
Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana
Michelle and Steve Gradow
Meryl and Gordon Haber
Craig Hartzman and James John
Janet Hoffman and John Harland
The Holzman Foundation
Rabbi Rachel Joseph
and Rebbetzin Sara Spettel
Gold Sponsors (continued)
Kenneth and Joyce Lewis
Sandra Lewis and James Rosenbaum
Elizabeth Menashe
Debra and Roscoe Nelson
Rita and Robert Philip
Diane and David Rosencrantz
Lois Schnitzer
Martha Soltesz
Kathy Davis-Weiner and Michael Weiner
Series Sponsorship both supports this yearlong celebration and continues to ensure that full participation in Jewish life at CBI is open to all, regardless of their financial circumstances. If you are interested in sponsoring this event series, please reach out to
Soprano Sponsor
Tenor Sponsors
Dick, Cameron, and Maril Davis
Cantor Rayna Green and Eli Green
Jen and Howard Feldman
Linda Georges
Josh and Michelle Kashinsky
Rhonda and James Kennedy
Susan and Barney Milstein
Christie Moore and Stacy Lewis
Judy Peterman
Richard and Shirley Plotzker
Michael and Linda Salinsky
Jill Slansky
Liz Terzo and Ben Elkin
Ira Wagner and Kim Rosenberg
Jason Waxman and Lynne Hana
Charlene Zidell
Baritone Sponsors
Debra Brooks
Ilene and Jim Davidson
Rabbi Sam and Dori Joseph
Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld
The Pollin Family in Honor of Our Beloved Father, Harold Pollin
Jill and Rick Rubinstein
Ann and Robert Sacks
Ava Schoen and Benjamin Hartman
Jeffrey and Lynn Wolfstone
Bass Sponsors
Alifanz & Westlind, LLC
Michael and Margaret Anton
Sydney Baer
Jonathan and Bonnie Barg
David and Marah Bean
Brad and Janice Berman
Janet Bronitsky and Mark Suprenand
Deborah and Lance Caldwell
Barry and Barbara Caplan
Mandi and Stuart Chestler
Bonnie and Barry Davis
Stuart and Nikki Director
Ned Duhnkrack and James Monteith
Barbara Durkheimer
John and Sarah Epstein
Joshua and Amy Frankel
Eric and Rebecca Friedenwald-Fishman
Stacy and Sharon Friedman
Ali and Judah Garfinkle
Bennett and Trish Garner
Leslie and Richard Geller
Ted and Connie Gilbert
Lesley and Bob Glasgow
David and Tiffany Goldwyn
Susan Graber and Bill June
Kathleen Voboril Kahl
and Matthew Kahl
Karen and Norm Kaufman
Paul and Arlene Koenigsberg
Bass Sponsors (continued)
Lisa and Glen Levy
Liz and David Lippoff
Joyce Loeb
Ralph London
Gil Luria
Robin and Steve McCoy
Joanne Van Ness Menashe and Joe Menashe
Alan and Lana Miller
Leslie and Scott Newman
Phyllis and Warren Oster
Alan and Marney Pike
Sarah and Ryan Pitman
Joshua and Amy Remick
Steve Reinisch
Paul and Gayle Romain
Eric and Tiffany Rosenfeld
John and Marti Rosenthal
Jerry and Bunny Sadis
Libby Schwartz and David Smith
Joel and Sandra Seres
James and Denise Shulman
Michael Simon and Suzanne Bonamici
Mardi Schnitzer Spitzer
Lynn Tobias and Chet Edwards
Southwest Portland Dental
Cheryl Tonkin
Bill and Joanne Treuhaft
Tony and Bianca Urdes
Sharon Weil
Ron and Nancy Wyden
Sponsorship of our annual fundraiser ensures that full participation in Jewish life at CBI is open to all, regardless of their financial circumstances. If you are interested in sponsoring this event series, please reach out to
*Sponsor list as of 4:00 PM, Wednesday, February 19
Davening: a Musical Memoir of Grandfather’s Prayer
Tuesday, September 10 7:00 PM
In this world premier concert featuring musicians from the Oregon Symphony, Davening showcased composer Deena T. Grossman’s signature balance of cultural and natural references. The performance touched on themes of cyclical connection, deep time, death and renewal, intergenerational sharing, and sense of place
Selichot Service
Teshuvah through Art with Lolly Jamerson
Saturday, September 28
Lolly Jamerson lead a participatory art making experience related to themes of brokenness, return, and renewal through the Japanese art of Kintsugi. A musical, inspirational service in in the Main Sanctuary followed, during which we will changed the Torah covers to white.
Recognition, Remembrance, Renewal:
Veterans Day, Kristallnacht, Hevreh Ensemble
Friday, November 8, 6:00 PM
In-Person and Online
Pollin Chapel
Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana led an abbreviated Shabbat Evening Service, during which we honored all Jewish veterans and current members of the American armed forces.
On this eve of Kristallnacht, we also remembered those whose lives were shattered with the “night of broken glass” as well as all who fought in the war that followed to preserve freedom and Jewish lives everywhere.
In the evening’s latter half, we welcomed the internationally-celebrated Hevreh Ensemble, which creates a dialogue between Jewish and Native American musical motifs.
Cahana Family Art Exhibit
Sunday, January 26
Art through three generations of Rabbi Cahana’s family beginning with Shoah Survivor and internationally recognized artist, Alice Lok Cahana. Opening featuring appearances by Rabbi Ronnie and Kitra Cahana. Sunday January 26, 4-6 PM and runs through Sunday, May 25.
Kabbalat Shabbat in Chanukah
Friday, December 27
An evening of music and light featuring musical virtuosi organist Bruce Neswick and trumpeter Aaron Kahn. Celebrate the radiance and resonance of the holiday as we light the third candle together.
Stories of Jewish Discovery, Despair, and Delight
Friday, January 31 – Sunday, February 2
Scholar in Residence Cantor Evan Kent brings his masterful, musical story-telling from Tel Aviv, Israel to our Friday night and Saturday morning services. Saturday night, he presents the Portland premiere of his original one-man show, “Shards,” and is featured guest for all grades in our Religious School
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