WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood 


At Congregation Beth Israel, WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood’s mission is to bring women together to support and benefit Congregation Beth Israel and the community by providing opportunities for friendship, service, spiritual growth, and learning.

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood is a warm community of all who identify as women as well as those who identify as transgender, gender-queer, non-conforming, or non-binary.

Upcoming Events

Deadline extended: you have until Monday, March 3 to order Mishloach Manot from WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood. They’ll deliver bags of homemade hamantashen and other locally-sourced treats to family and friends, and you’ll support CBI and Sisterhood with your contribution!  Order yours today! 

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Mahjong Meetup
Wednesday, March 5
6:30 PM
In Person ONLY
Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room

All members and potential members welcome.

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Membership Schmooze
Wednesday, March 19
6:30 PM
In Person ONLY
Location to follow
RSVP information to follow

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood
Board Meeting and Jewish Yoga
Thursday, March 20
6:30 PM
In Person ONLY
Goodman Hall

Board Meeting and Organ Donation Conversation
Thursday, April 10
6:30 PM
In Person ONLY
Goodman Hall

Please join us to learn from Donate Life NW Volunteer Educator and CBI Sisterhood Social Action Chair Lara Guroff in an important conversation around Organ, Eye and Tissue donation. You’ll learn about the staggering need and impact of donation. Explore the many sides of transplantation and donation from individuals in our community. 

Click here for our full WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood 2025 Calendar.

Sisterhood Gift Shop

The Sisterhood Gift Shop has great gifts for weddings, Shabbat, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and more: Kiddush cups, jewelry, books, candles, and other Judaica. Profits go to the Religious School. Gift shop hours are Sunday, 9:15 AM. – 12:15 PM. 

A limited selection is available in the CBI Main office; please call 503-222-1069 to arrange a visit. 

If you are a new Sisterhood member, let the staff know so you can get a one-time 10% discount on your purchase.  Contact Bonnie Barg for any questions.

Connect With Sisterhood

Want to be up-to-the-minute with all things Sisterhood? Read on, or click one of the buttons below.

Sisterhood Leadership

Immediate Past President – Susan Berniker
President – Ellen Zellinger
Vice President  – Nadine Block
Treasurer- Julie Stone
Recording Secretary – Rita Effros
Corresponding Secretary – Michael Richman
Membership Co-Chairs – Elaine Berman and Rhonda Daniels
Fundraising Co-Chairs – Michelle Shari Kruss and Melissa Himmelman
Programming Co-Chairs- Reilly Kwaitkovsky and Debbie Geller
Emertia  -Ellen Bick
Gift Shop – Bonnie Barg
GS Bookkeeper – Judy Stone
Social Action Co-Chairs – Lara Guroff andJennifer Pesetsky
Religious Liaison – Sally Swire
Outreach to Robison – Virginia Gitter
Volunteer Coordinator  – Debbie Braymer
Communication/Newsletter – Rose Marshall
Social Media – Kate Royston
College Outreach Co-Chairs – Leslie Berman andLeslie Geller
Rosh Hashanah Sweets Table  -Davina Doby andSue Gordon
Community Seder Co-Chairs -Virginia Gitter, Rhonda Daniels and Kristen Siemon