Congregation Beth Israel is proud to recognize every person/family who decides to create a Jewish legacy. A legacy gift includes any donation that lives on in perpetuity, ensuring that CBI will be here to serve the generations to come. You can become a member of our Legacy Circle by creating an endowment during your lifetime or by including CBI in your will or estate plan. We honor those listed below who have notified CBI of their intention.
Congregation Beth Israel is one of ten organizations in the first cohort in Oregon to participate in the LIFE & LEGACYTM program, funded by the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
If you should be included in this growing list or would like to discuss how to become a member of our Legacy Circle, please contact CBI Executive Director Josh Kashinsky at 503-222-1069.
Joy Alkalay*
William* and Sydney Baer
Carole Barkley
Monte and Frances Bettman*
Steven and Patricia Bilow
Philip and Fay Blank*
Henry and Gerel Blauer*
George and Harriet Bodner*
Lynn Bonner
Howard and Raquel Byer
Rabbi Michael and
Cantor Ida Rae Cahana
Lance and Deborah Caldwell
Bernard Carr*
Mandi and Stuart Chestler
Daniel J. and Elizabeth O. Cohn*
Edward* and Margery Cohn
Marcia Colton
Roger and Midge Cone
James and Ilene Davidson
Sylvia Davidson*
Barry and Bonnie Davis
Berta M. Delman*
Susan Diamond*
Nettie Director*
Simon and Helen Director*
Ned Duhnkrack
Barbara Durkheimer
Stuart and Leah Durkheimer*
Lester Eisendorf*
Judith Ann Epstein*
Marie Louise Feldenheimer*
Jen and Howard Feldman
Martin Fishel*
Eric* and Robin Flamm
Lynn and Charlie* Gelber
Thomas Georges III* and Linda Georges
Thomas and May Georges*
William and Shirley Gittelsohn*
Richard and Beth Glassman
Maurice* and Ilene Goldberg
Arthur and Martha Goldsmith*
David and Tiffany Goldwyn
Douglas and Lila* Goodman
Michelle and Steve Gradow
Nancy Green*
Rachel Halupowski
Craig Hartzman and James John
Margaret Hasson
Celia Heims*
Irwin* and Renee Holzman and family
Benjamin* and Janice Isenberg
Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph
James and Rhonda Kennedy
Steve and Marilyn Kerman
Anese* and Bernard* Klein
Charles and Lois Koteen
Henry Kunowski and Kerstin Schulz
Theodore D. Lachman*
Robert and Sally Landauer
Gerald* and Evelyn Leshgold
Glen and Lisa Levy
Joan Lindholm*
David and Beverly Lipman*
Lee Lowenson
Rita Lubliner*
Arnold Maizels*
Richard and Harriet Maizels
Howard B and Robin L Marcus
Lynn L. Marks
Barry and Susan Menashe
Joanne Van Ness Menashe and Joe Menashe
Ruben* and Elizabeth Menashe
Robert and Robin Mesher
Alan and Lana Miller
Edith O. Miller*
Lloyd and Beverly Miller*
Ted Nelson and Curt* Shaffstall
Robert Neuberger*
Jeanne Newmark
John and Hulda Neustadter*
Kenneth and Debra Novack
Jackie and Burton* Nudelman
Victor Nudelman*
Henry* and Nancy Oseran
Raymond and Dorothy Packouz*
Mark* and Judy Peterman
Randie and Mark Peterson
Robert and Rita Philip
Harold* and Jane Pollin
Gerald and Lois Poplack*
Anita Reinhorn*
Philip and Dorothy Reiter*
Laurie and Bert Rogoway
Gayle Romain
Millard and Carolyn Rosenblatt*
David and Diane Rosencrantz
Alan and Eve Rosenfeld
Lloyd B. Rosenfeld*
Sally Rosenfeld and Andrew Frank
Tiffany and Eric Rosenfeld
John and Marti Rosenthal
Lawrence Rosenthal*
Franklin Rosumny
Richard and Deanne Rubinstein
Arnold* and Rose Rustin
Hal Ruthizer*
Bunny and Jerry Sadis
Ken and Loree Sakai
Benjamin Sandler and Laura Jamerson
Jeaneatta “Rusty” Sautter*
Norman* and Elaine Savinar
Ralph and Bernice Schlesinger*
Harold and Arlene Schnitzer*
Harold and Arlene Schnitzer*: CARE Foundation
Leonard* and Lois Schnitzer
Manuel and Edith Schnitzer*
Sandra Schnitzer
Herbert and Shirley Semler
Ruth and Larry Semler*
Joel Seres and Sandra Lamer Seres
Christopher Setzer
Douglas and Dorothy* Sherman
Estelle Director Sholkoff*
Laura Silverman
Michael Simon and Suzanne Bonamici
Milton and Marilyn Singer*
Jill Newman Slansky
Mortimer and Alice Mary Solomon*
Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft
Ladislao* and Martha Soltesz
Ruth Spear*
Bruce Spiegel*
Arthur Steinhorn
Frances Stern*
Naomi Strauss
Marvin* and Gloria Swire
Ron* and Marcy Tonkin
Bianca and Tony Urdes
Robert P. Weil*
Joella Werlin and Robert *Autrey
Isam and Rose White*
Jeff and Lynn Wolfstone
Jennifer and Kenneth Zeidman
Jerome and Zelda Zeidman*
Alan* and Janet Zell
*Of blessed memory
Congregation Beth Israel is a participant in the Life and Legacy Program, which is a partnership of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
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